Головна Horticulture Grain Grain reserves in Ukraine as of October 1 amounted to about 20...

Grain reserves in Ukraine as of October 1 amounted to about 20 million tons


Last month, stocks of grain in Ukraine decreased by more than 4.2 million tons and as of October 1 amounted to 19,933.6 thousand tons, which at the same time by 4.5 million tons more than on corresponding date in 2020. This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

The reduction in stocks occurred mainly at the expense of wheat, which at the beginning of this month was available in the amount of 14,461.5 thousand tons – by 3.2 million tons less than a month earlier, but by 4.65 million tons more than a year ago. Barley inventories were also down at 2,548,000 tons, down 987,700 tons from September 1, but 510,300 tons more than as of October 1, 2020. Rye stocks were reduced the least, to 324,100 tons, down 11,500 tons for the month, but up 92,900 tons for the year.

But stocks of corn in September increased by 629.5 thousand tons and at the beginning of October amounted to 1,876.5 thousand tons, which is, however, almost 820 thousand tons more than last year.

Of the total grain reserves on October 1, 9 529 thousand tons were stored by producers, while 4 932.5 thousand tons were in storage at elevators and processors’ warehouses.

In addition to grains, at the beginning of this month in Ukraine were available 4 289 tons of sunflower seed (3 584 tons more than on September 1, 2021), 640.4 thousand tons of soybeans (441.5 thousand tons more), and 642.5 tons of rape seed (712.4 thousand tons less).

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