Головна Sugar manufacturing Sugar mills have produced more than 550 thousand tons of products since...

Sugar mills have produced more than 550 thousand tons of products since the beginning of the season

As of October 22, Ukraine processed 4.07 million tons of sugar beet and produced 544 thousand tons of sugar. This is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the association “Ukrtsukor”.

As reported, sugar season 2021/22 started on August 21. Currently, 29 sugar refineries are already processing sugar beet, the last of them Globinsky sugar refinery LLC “Tsukoragroprom” was launched on October 13.

According to the Ministry of Economy, Ukraine produced 1.1 million tons of sugar in 2020/21 MY due to unfavorable weather conditions, which led to the reduction in sugar beet crop, which is 25% less than in 2019/20 MY. This season sugar production is expected at the level of 1.4 mln tons.

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