Головна Animal husbandry Dairy farming Ukraine increases imports of dairy products

Ukraine increases imports of dairy products

According to the results of three quarters, imports of most dairy products increased. In particular, the import of cheese increased by 11% as compared with the same period of the last year, and fresh dairy products by almost a quarter. Even the import of dried dairy products, which Ukraine used to export, rose by 30-40%. As for butter, the country imported less, but that is for now, in the fourth quarter the importers can still make up for what they lost.

This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to INFAGRO.

Total imports of dairy products in January-September 2021, compared to the same period last year in monetary terms increased by 21% to $246 million (excluding the cost of baby food). If we add baby food to this figure, the monetary imports will definitely exceed exports.

In three quarters, Ukraine exported about $250 million worth of dairy products, which is even 8% more than last year. But it happened that way exclusively because of high prices; in kind terms, exports of almost all main commodity items had dropped.

In terms of milk, this year the balance is still in favor of exports. But next year, if the current situation in milk production and processing continues, Ukraine will definitely be a net importer.

Producers of dairy products now have a small chance to improve their position in the difficult cooperation with the trade monopoly chains. Presently, a bill according to which the maximum term of settlements with milk products suppliers should be set and the total sum of all payments to the trade networks should be limited has been recently submitted to the parliament. But so far it is only a bill.

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