Головна Horticulture Grain Speculative “overheating” is undergoing on the grain rail wagon market

Speculative “overheating” is undergoing on the grain rail wagon market

According to the results of the auctions on the distribution of railcars of “Ukrzaliznytsia”, which were held on the site “Prosorro.Sells”, the entire rolling stock was distributed, including 500 grain cars, the average rate for the use of which was 3338.3 UAH/day excluding VAT. Valeriy Tkachov, the Deputy Director of the Department of Commercial Work of UZ, informed about it, as “ProAgro Group” reports.

According to his information, the major winners of the auctions were large forwarding companies (“Atlanta-Agro,” “Promvagontrans,” “TEP Transco” and others). Only two companies, MHP and “Agroprosperis” were among the winners. At the same time the daily rate for the use of freight cars of grain carriers has increased by 2.8 times.

“For Ukrzaliznytsia this is good news, because it means additional profits from the use of the fleet. But it is a rise in price of railroad logistics for the agrarians by 10 $/ton at once due to the growth of a wagon component. Such sharp rise of grain rates will make railroad component of the tariff more expensive and it can lead to significant outflow of cargo volumes for the road transport”, – said Valeriy Tkachov.

He noted that, in his opinion, there is a speculative “overheating” of the market for the use of grain wagons, due to which Ukrzaliznytsia may lose the volume of grain shipments.

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