Головна Logistics Verkhovna Rada has liberalized road freight transportation with Belarus

Verkhovna Rada has liberalized road freight transportation with Belarus

November 5, the Parliament approved draft law № 0060 “On ratification of the Protocol between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Belarus to amend the agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on international road transport services of December 17, 1992.

This is reported by ProAgroGroup with reference to the information of VRU.

The protocol exempts from the licensing system of occasional passenger and freight transport by road. The implementation of this draft protocol will provide domestic carriers with new opportunities in carrying out their activities.

In addition, Ukraine will be able to attract additional cargo and passenger flows, because the Belarusian carriers will be able to perform transportation without licenses.

Adoption of the Law will create legal grounds for carrying out international cargo and occasional passenger road transportation by vehicles without licenses.

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