Головна Consumer market Ukraine must pass a law on trans fats as soon as possible

Ukraine must pass a law on trans fats as soon as possible

Ukraine should adopt more actively the European policy of healthy life. First of all it concerns the use of trans fats because they can cause heart disease, obesity, diabetes and immune system disorders. The head of the State Consumer Service of Ukraine, Vladyslava Magaletska, wrote this in a column in NV, reports ProAgro Group.

The content of trans fats in foods is not yet regulated by law in Ukraine. However, the Ukrainian parliament has already passed the first reading of the respective bill and it was supported by a significant number of MPs – 304. The document establishes restrictions on the use of trans fats, standards for labeling and, most importantly, serious penalties for violating them.

“It is impossible to delay the adoption of this important law. Ukraine should respond very quickly to global and European trends. The recipe for reforms is simple – we need to introduce European standards for the safety and quality of food, water, chemicals and the like. We should not wait for years, but act in sync with the European partners,” said Vladislava Magaletska.

According to WHO experts, half a million people around the world die annually as a result of cardiovascular disease due to excessive consumption of trans fats.

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