Головна Animal husbandry The number of cattle, poultry, sheep, goats and pigs continues to decline...

The number of cattle, poultry, sheep, goats and pigs continues to decline in Ukraine

As of November 1, 2021, the number of cattle in Ukraine amounted to 3.03 million heads, which is 6.7% less compared to the analyzed period of 2020.

This is evidenced by the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, reports ProAgro Group with reference to Agravery.

Reduction in the number of cattle was recorded in agricultural enterprises by 1.1% to 997 thousand heads and in households by 9.2%, to 2.04 million heads. The number of cows also decreased by 6.1% to 1.63 million heads.

In addition, the number of pigs in farms of all categories decreased by 3.2% to 5.98 million. The number of pigs in households decreased by 9.5% – down to 2.3 million, but the number of pigs in industrial farms increased by 1.3% – to 3.7 million.

The number of sheep and goats decreased by 5.5% – to 1.24 million. The number of sheep and goats in farms increased by 3.9% – to 159.5 thousand heads, while in the households decreased by 6.7% – to 1.1 million heads.

At the same time, the number of poultry decreased by 2.7% to 227 million heads as of November 1, 2021. The number of poultry in households during 2021 decreased by 2.5% to 107 million heads, and in farms by 2.8% to 120 million heads.

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