Головна Berry farming This year export of Ukrainian fruits, berries and nuts will grow by...

This year export of Ukrainian fruits, berries and nuts will grow by 13%

Ukraine has increased export of fruits, berries and nuts in 2021. According to preliminary estimates, 177 thousand tons of these products will be exported during this period, which is 13% higher than last year.

This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to the information of the Ukrainian club of agrarian business.

“It is worth noting that if earlier in the structure of exports of this category prevailed apples and nuts, now a significant share belongs to berries. According to the results of 10 months of 2021, berries take 45% of all exports in physical terms. Among the most exported berries are raspberries (20% of exports in this category) and blueberries (17%). Berries are sold both fresh and frozen. Certainly, till the end of the year, this structure will change a little, as we have a good yield of apples this year, and they will be exported more actively in the last 2 months of 2021”, – says analyst of UCAB Svetlana Lytvyn.

The main importers of Ukrainian fruits, berries and nuts are the European Union countries. Altogether they generate 86% of Ukraine’s export earnings in this category. Among them, Poland (34% of Ukrainian export revenues), Germany (9%) and France (8%) are the largest importers. Such concentration on the European market is explained primarily by territorial proximity of these countries, as well as increased demand from Europeans for healthy products, which are fruits, berries and nuts.

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