Головна Horticulture Oilseed Ukroliaprom expects a significant increase in sunflower processing in Ukraine

Ukroliaprom expects a significant increase in sunflower processing in Ukraine

The Association of Ukrainian oil producers (Ukroliaprom) estimates the output of the main types of oilseeds in Ukraine at 22.9 million tons, in particular sunflower seeds – at 16.5 million tons, reports ProAgro Group.

As of December 1, 2021, stocks of sunflower seeds, according to the State Statistics Service, increased against the corresponding period in 2020 by 1726.5 thousand tons and amounted to 8,221.2 thousand tons. Of this volume, the enterprises engaged in the cultivation of crops stock 5,039.4 thousand tons, or 1,518.3 thousand tons more than last year, and the enterprises that are engaged in processing and storage – 3,181.8 thousand tons, or 207.8 thousand tons more.

“This confirms our preliminary conclusions on the suppression of the sale of sunflower seeds to oil producers, which leads to an incomplete loading of capacities and, as a consequence, the expected decline in the production of sunflower oil in September-December 2021/22 MY against the corresponding period 2020/21 MY by about 3-5%,” – the association said.

At the same time Ukroliaprom expects a significant increase in processing of sunflower seeds and the production of sunflower oil from the beginning of 2022. In total in 2021/22 MY record production of sunflower oil in Ukraine is projected at more than 7.2 million tons (+24.1% compared to last season).

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