Головна Animal husbandry Dairy farming Export of Ukrainian butter in 2021 decreased by almost 3%

Export of Ukrainian butter in 2021 decreased by almost 3%

At the end of 2021 11 thousand tons of domestic butter was exported. This is 2.9% less than the previous year.

This is evidenced by the data of the State Customs Service, reports ProAgro Group with reference to AgroTimes.

At the same time, in monetary terms, the export of butter amounted to $52.9 million, which is 7.8% higher than in 2020. Moldova ($15.7 million), Azerbaijan ($11.7 million) and Kazakhstan ($7.4 million) bought the most domestic butter in 2021.

In turn, imports of butter to Ukraine in 2021 was 9.1 thousand tons, which is 8.6% less than the previous year, while the value of imports was $45.5 million – 12.3% more. By the end of the year, the largest amounts of butter will be supplied to the domestic market from the Netherlands ($ 11 million), Germany ($ 10.5 million) and Belarus ($ 9.3 million).

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