Головна Logistics Ukrainian river fleet strengthens its position in agro-logistics

Ukrainian river fleet strengthens its position in agro-logistics

PJSC “Ukrrichflot” in 2021 worked to strengthen its position in agro-logistics. In particular, the company has modernized existing facilities for the transshipment and storage of grain and grist.

This is reported by ProAgro Group with reference to Agrologistyka.

As noted by the company, Ukrrichflot has actively modernized warehouses in its own river ports. Two additional covered warehouses for 3 thsd. tons of simultaneous storage each were put into operation in Dnipro. Today in the covered warehouses of the company in Dnipro, Zaporizhzhya, Kherson and Mykolaiv can be stored simultaneously more than 30 thousand tons of agricultural products. And in the port elevators in Dnipro and Kherson – 66 thousand tons.

In the future the company plans to expand its grain shipment capacities and increase the fleet capable of transporting grain cargo (in average the company transports 800 thousand tons of grain a year). One of the largest river carriers of Ukraine is also planning to build barges of five thousand tons.

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