Головна Horticulture Grain China’s corn production to rise in 2021-22

China’s corn production to rise in 2021-22

China is expected to produce 272.6 million tonnes of corn in 2021-22, a 4.6% increase from last year due to higher planting area, the Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) said in a report.

This is reorted by ProAgro Group, citing World-Grain.

Feed corn and residual use is estimated at 211 million tonnes as feed mills switch back to corn rations. With corn prices now $11 to $17 cheaper per ton than wheat, many feed mills have stopped substituting with wheat.

China has committed to buying 12.3 million tonnes of US corn for 2021-22, 80% has yet to be shipped. The shipping schedule shows China turned to Ukrainian corn in the fourth quarter of 2021, the USDA said.

China bought eight to 10 boats of Ukrainian-origin corn, equaling to 480,000 to 600,000 tonnes. These purchases are expected to arrive in China in the first quarter of 2022 and traders estimate Ukraine could ship 5 million tonnes of corn to China from what is expected to be a record 2021 Ukrainian crop.

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