Головна News Extraordinary events Russia invaded Ukraine. Martial law has been imposed

Russia invaded Ukraine. Martial law has been imposed

This morning Russia began a new military operation against our state. This is an unjustified false and cynical invasion, ProAgro Group reports, citing information from the Office of the President.

Military and other important defense facilities are being hit, border units have been attacked, and the situation in Donbass has degenerated.

The Armed Forces, all special and security services of the state are on alert. The National Security and Defense Council is working in emergency mode.

President Vladimir Zelensky signed Decree No. 64/2022 “On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine”. Deputies approved this document with 300 votes.

According to the decree, martial law is introduced starting from 5:30 on February 24, 2022 for a period of 30 days.

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