Головна War against Ukraine Russia decided to expropriate crops in ocupied Kherson region of Ukraine

Russia decided to expropriate crops in ocupied Kherson region of Ukraine

Russia’s Krasnoyarsk region decided to replenish its own food fund through illegal deliveries from the occupied Kherson region of Ukraine.

This is reported by the press service of the legislative assembly of the Krasnoyarsk region, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to “Public broadcasting”.

It is noted that such a decision the deputies took almost unanimously.

“Since there is only one enterprise for the production of cucumbers in the region, and the lack of other vegetables and crops due to the introduction of foreign sanctions is keenly felt not only in the Krasnoyarsk region, but also at the federal level everywhere, the expropriation of the surplus of last year and the current harvest of farmers in Kherson region will be one of the tools to help small forms of management, consumer cooperatives,” the report says.

The head of the Committee on Rural Affairs and Agroindustrial Policy Vladislav Zyryanov said that the experience of the Krasnoyarsk region in the future can be successfully implemented in other Russian regions.

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