Головна Processing industry Rashists steal products from Pology Oil Extraction Plant

Rashists steal products from Pology Oil Extraction Plant

Пологівський ОЕЗ

Rashists do not stop robbing agrarians in their temporarily occupied areas, particularly in Zaporizhzhia region. Not only agricultural producers suffer, with their crops and machinery being taken away, but also processing plants, ProAgro Group reports.

Thus, according to the information of the Defense Forces in Facebook, in Pology another victim of looters-occupiers was PJSC “Pology Oil Extraction Plant”, which before the occupation was one of the largest budget-forming enterprises of the Pology region.

“Today the savages are taking out the finished products of the plant, which the enterprise was preparing for shipment to foreign partners, which, by the way, are already feeling the lack of high-quality Ukrainian products,” the information and combat erection noted.

Meanwhile, in the village of Chernihivka, Russian criminals want to take away people’s land: they force them to fill out a form that specifies how much land the farmer owns and how much is leased.

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