Головна Conference news ProAgro announces the first in a row themed online conference

ProAgro announces the first in a row themed online conference

On May 25, 2022 at 10.30 online conference – Efficient grain elevator during the Martial Law will be held within the Grain Storage Forum “ELEVATOR”.

Event organizers: information and analytical group of companies ProAgro Group and Association of elevators of Ukraine.

The main goal of the conference is to involve representatives of government, business (elevator operators, suppliers of equipment and services for the industry, builders, logistic specialists, traders) into discussion of today’s challenges and opportunities of the storage industry during the martial law and to facilitate implementation of modern innovations in the industry.

The goal of the conference is to find effective ways of solving problems of the grain elevator industry during the martial law period.

The conference will include:

  • Dialogue Speaker Panel (90 min)
  • Dialogue panel “Questions-Answers-Proposals”:

We invite all market participants to join the “Efficient Elevator During Martial Law” conference and form a shared vision for the effective functioning of the elevator industry during wartime.

Regarding the questions of participation, please contact:
tel./fax: (+38 044) 248-02-67, (+38 067) 243-38-03
[email protected], [email protected]

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