Головна Animal husbandry Dairy farming The Ukrainian milk production sector lost more than 50 thousand cows

The Ukrainian milk production sector lost more than 50 thousand cows

Зруйнована рашистами молочна ферма в Харківській області

During the three months of war the dairy farms of Ukraine lost at least 50 thousand cows.

This was reported by the Director General of the Association of Milk Producers (AMP) Anna Lavrenyuk, reports ProAgro Group with reference to Milkua.info.

The preliminary estimates of the analytical department of the AMP coincide with the information from the report of the Kyiv School of Economics. In it, the estimated value of dead animals as of June 8 is more than $136 million.

Animals are dying not only as a result of active fighting, but also because of a number of restrictions in feeding, housing and veterinary care. The estimated number of dead animals in the affected areas is 92,000 cattle, as well as 42,000 sheep and goats, 258,000 pigs and over 5,700,000 poultry.

“According to the optimistic scenario by the end of the year the industrial sector may lose 70 thousand cows, according to the pessimistic – more than 100 thousand cows, depending on the situation on the front and de-occupation of Ukrainian territories,” – said Anna Lavrenyuk.

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