Головна News Company news “Continental” prepares storage capacities for the harvest season

“Continental” prepares storage capacities for the harvest season

“Continental Farmers Group” is preparing its storage and processing capacities to receive the new harvest, ProAgro Group reports referring to the press service of the agricultural producer.

This season the company is going to store crops at 5 elevators and 3 dryers and grain complexes with total capacity of more than 500 thousand tons. 90% of its elevators facilities are already ready to receive the harvest.

It is noted that this year “Continental” puts into operation the elevator complex in Horodenka in Ivano-Frankivsk region, which was purchased last year. The elevator has two parallel product receiving lines, each of which is designed to receive 200 tons of grain per hour. There are automobile and railway unloading lines. Total capacity of one-time storage of the complex – more than 87,5 thousand tons.

Almost all elevators of the company are silo type. The assets of Continental can store crops for at least 12 months. The company expects to start the first wave of reaping in late June and harvest winter crops from 86.2 thousand hectares.

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