Головна Horticulture Grain Ukraine will receive additional capacities for temporary storage of grain

Ukraine will receive additional capacities for temporary storage of grain

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine has applied to the governments of the USA, Canada, the UK and the EU with a request to provide Ukraine with facilities for temporary storage. There are preliminary results: the first batch is already sailing to Ukraine. Markiyan Dmitrasevich, deputy minister, told ProAgro Group.

“We are talking about temporary storage. These are so-called sleeves for storing grain, which our agrarians were already using before the war. They are in the form of long polyethylene bags, which hold up to 200,000 tons of grain and can be stored directly in the fields. The second option used in Canada and the United States is the so-called temporary silos, or grain rings. This is a large metal ring, which is attached to the usual platform, on the surface laid a special material that does not let moisture, and the top of it is closed by a special tent, which keeps the grain from the environment. One such silo contains approximately 5 thousand grains”, – Markiyan Dmitrasevich explained.

He noted that now many farmers, understanding the future problem, are already buying such solutions, especially sleeves for grain storage.

The deputy minister added that before the full-scale war, Ukrainian farmers had storage capacity of about 75 million tons. Grain storage facilities for 10 million tons are located in the temporarily occupied territories.

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