Головна Horticulture Grain Agrarians in 15 regions are harvesting winter rape

Agrarians in 15 regions are harvesting winter rape

As of July 15, Ukraine carried out the harvesting of early grain and leguminous crops on the area of 1.2 million hectares (10%), “ProAgro Group” informs with reference to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

With a yield of 29.3 c/ha 3.6 million tons of new crop has already been harvested, including:

wheat – 1.7 million tons, 588.3 thousand hectares were threshed, with a yield of 28.8 c/ha;
barley – 1.8 million tons, 589.6 thousand hectares threshed, with the yield of 30.9 c/ha
peas – 77,300 tons, 42,100 hectares threshed, the yield being 18.4 c/ha.

Leaders in threshing are agricultural producers from Odesa region, which 39% of the area (404 thousand hectares) threshed under grain and leguminous crops, having gathered 982.8 thousand tons of grain and Dnipropetrovsk region – 24% of the area (252 thousand hectares) threshed, having gathered 709.5 tons of grain. Agrarians of Mykolayiv region harvested 37% of the area (247 thousand hectares), gathered 679.2 thousand tons of grain.

Agrarians from 15 regions also began harvesting winter rape, which was threshed on the area of 133.7 thousand hectares (11%), threshed 259.2 thousand tons of seeds at a yield of 19.4 c/ha.

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