Головна Horticulture Grain Grain transportation by rail rose to more than 800 thousand tons per...

Grain transportation by rail rose to more than 800 thousand tons per month

Since March, Ukraine managed to increase the grain transshipment in the Danube ports up to almost 1 million tons per month. With the liberation of the Snake Island by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the opening of traffic through the Bystre estuary channel, it is possible to increase transshipment in the ports even more significantly.

We can already see the positive dynamics, the Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov wrote on his page in Facebook, as ProAgro Group reports.

He noted that at the same time logistical capacities of railroads and road transport are also increasing. Transportation of grain by rail has already increased twice, up to more than 800 thousand tons, and the cargo flow at road checkpoints has increased 2.6 times.

“We are aware that with these important, but still tactical steps to overcome the food crisis we will not be able to quickly replace the volumes which were taken by sea ports. Before the full-scale invasion they accounted for more than 80% of exports of agricultural products. For example, in June we managed to export about 2.5 million tons of agricultural products, which is more than 3 times less than the monthly requirement. We still need to export about 20 million tons of grain from last year’s harvest”, the minister stressed.

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