Головна News Land issue In Ukraine during the war there were concluded 10,341 land deals

In Ukraine during the war there were concluded 10,341 land deals


During the war in Ukraine 10,341 agreements were signed, which cover an area of 18,153 hectares, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

The regions with the most active land market during the war (in terms of the number of deals and land area where the deals were registered) are Kirovograd region (2.4 thousand hectares), Poltava region (2.2 thousand hectares), Vinnytsia region (2.2 thousand hectares), Khmelnytsky region (1.8 thousand hectares) and Dnipropetrovsk region (1.3 thousand hectares).

Ministry of Agrarian Policy notes that last week there were 1317 deals on the land market of 2,256 hectares.

In general, as of today for the whole period of land market functioning 111,307 land transactions have been concluded. The area of land according to the registered transactions reaches 262,679 hectares.

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