Головна Horticulture Grain Grain stolen in Ukraine is transported to the Middle East by 87...

Grain stolen in Ukraine is transported to the Middle East by 87 ships

російський балкер «Матрос Позиніч», яким рашисти вивозять вкрадене українське зерно

Ukrainian grain stolen by Russian occupants is transported to the Middle East by 87 grain carriers. The transportation is also controlled by the Russian military.

This was stated at a briefing by the Ukrainian ambassador to Lebanon Igor Ostash, ProAgro Group reports with reference to “RBC-Ukraine”.

“There is a criminal system at work, which constantly transports stolen grain from Ukraine. It can be through Turkey, it can be directly to Syria, it can be in other countries of the Middle East. But this is such a criminal arrangement, in which the Russians are involved, of course, the occupation troops of the Russian Federation in Ukraine,” he said.

The ambassador added that Syrian and Russian vessels are involved in the transportation of stolen grain.

As reported, at the end of July, Lebanon arrested a ship with stolen Ukrainian grain, which was loaded in Feodosia, and the cargo was stolen by the occupants in Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions.

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