Головна Horticulture Grain Ukraine has already exported 720 thousand tons of grain by sea route

Ukraine has already exported 720 thousand tons of grain by sea route

For 22 days since the beginning of the “grain corridor” 33 ships have left Ukrainian sea ports with 719,549 tons of agricultural products on board. Another 18 ships are being loaded and waiting in line for departure, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy Taras Vysotsky as ProAgro Group reports with reference to the information of the Ministry.

Vysotsky said why the resumption of exports through sea routes is critical not only for the food security of the world, but also for the Ukrainian economy.

“Before the war, agriculture, together with other related sectors, formed about 20% of the Ukrainian economy. Now on the background of the decline of other sectors it will be all 30%, perhaps even 35%. That is, 1/3 of our economy is agriculture, which is 70% dependent on exports. We produce such large quantities that it is impossible to consume on the domestic market,” he said.

That is why, according to Taras Vysotsky, it is so critical not only to produce what we need to consume ourselves, but also to export it in order to further develop Ukrainian agriculture, which makes such a huge contribution to the Ukrainian economy.

Thanks to the work of the “grain corridor”, explained the first deputy minister, export prices have been leveled, which gives confidence to Ukrainian farmers that they will not go bankrupt and will be able to cover the costs of production.

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