Головна Storage Rashists destroyed two more granaries in the south of Ukraine

Rashists destroyed two more granaries in the south of Ukraine

Знищене зерносховише у селі Новодніпровка на Запоріжжі

Over the past two days, racist troops completely destroyed one of the granaries in the Zaporizhzhia region and hit an elevator in the Mykolaiv region with rockets.

It is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to Elevatorist.com.

So, on the night of September 19-20, the enemy fired at a granary in the village of Novodniprovka, Kamiansko-Dniprovsky district, Zaporizhzhia region. 800 tons of grain and agricultural machinery were stored on its territory. The warehouses were completely destroyed.

On the same night, the enemy shelled the village of Berezneguvate, Bashatan district, Mykolaiv region, with multiple rocket launchers “Smerch”. As a result, the elevator was hit and partially destroyed, where three workers were wounded.

Yesterday it was reported that in the morning racist troops shelled Melitopol, two explosions occurred near the elevator there.

According to the Humanitarian Research Laboratory (HRL) of the Yale School of Public Health (YSPH), as of early August, one in six Ukrainian granaries was destroyed or damaged by the war.

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