Головна Horticulture Grain Farmers have already threshed 121 thousand tons of buckwheat

Farmers have already threshed 121 thousand tons of buckwheat

64% of the new harvest has been harvested by Ukrainian farmers as of mid-autumn. This is 27.1 million tons of grain and leguminous crops, in particular, the harvest of wheat, barley and peas has already been completed. The highest yield of grain and leguminous crops is 60.4 c/ha in Khmelnytsky region. But the largest threshing of grains and legumes in the Odesa region is 2.6 million tons.

This is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

The three leaders in barley harvesting are Odesa, Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions. They harvested from 535 thousand tons to 833 thousand tons. Agrarians of Sumy region threshed buckwheat the most – 15.3 thousand tons, followed by Zhytomyr and Ternopil regions.

The general picture of threshing of grains and legumes is as follows:

wheat was threshed on 4.7 million hectares (100%), 19.2 million tons were harvested (yield 41.0 c/ha);

barley – 1.6 million hectares (100%), harvested 5.6 million tons (yield 35.1 c/ha);

peas – 111 thousand hectares (100%), 256 thousand tons (yield 23.1 c/ha);

corn for grain – 228 thousand hectares (5%) were threshed, 996 thousand tons were harvested (yield 43.7 c/ha);

buckwheat – 87 thousand hectares (74%), 121 thousand tons (yield 13.9 c/ha);

millet – 36.4 thousand hectares (81%), 83 thousand tons (yield 22.7 c/ha).

Sunflower was harvested 4.5 million. Most of all in Kirovograd region – 806 thousand tons. Harvesting of this crop is still ongoing, currently it is carried out on an area of 2.2 million hectares (46%).

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