Головна Horticulture Grain Ukraine continues to implement the “grain deal” in accordance with the agreements

Ukraine continues to implement the “grain deal” in accordance with the agreements

Ukraine concluded an agreement on the export of grain with Turkey and the UN and continues to fulfill its obligations under this document.

This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a joint press conference with Czech Prime Minister Peter Fiala in Kyiv, ProAgro Group reports with reference to Ukrinform.

“There are two parallel agreements or two documents in the grain initiative. The first is a trilateral document between Ukraine, the UN and Turkey. Here I have not heard from the three parties that anyone disagrees with something and someone would like to stop the grain initiative. So here we continue, as the three of us agreed,” Zelenskyy said.

He added that there is another document – between Russia, Turkey and the UN.

“I am not sure that Turkey or the UN violated that document, because they are not interested in bringing hunger to the countries of Africa or Asia. So, of course, what Russia says – that it is withdrawing from this initiative, says that it is withdrawing from the agreement of those three parties. And this means that it violates their agreements,” the President noted.

Summing up, the Head of State expressed hope that international partners would be able to “calm down” the rhetoric of the Russian Federation regarding the “withdrawal” from the grain initiative.

“For our part, we continue the grain initiative, because we understand that we bring stability to the world in the food market,” Zelenskyy stressed.

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