Головна Horticulture Grain Since the beginning of the full-scale war Ukraine has exported 26.3 million...

Since the beginning of the full-scale war Ukraine has exported 26.3 million tons of agricultural products

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, for 8 months, the volume of supplies of cereals, legumes, oilseeds and products of their processing from Ukraine amounted to 26.3 million tons, of which 10.3 million tons of corn and 5.4 million tons of wheat, according to “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

In October, the total volume of shipments of agricultural products by all routes amounted to 6.9 million tons. The volumes of wheat and corn shipments remained the same as last month. Almost 2 million tons of wheat crossed the Ukrainian border, corn by 300 thousand tons more – 2.3 million tons.

The third position in terms of supplies remains for rapeseed, but last month it was exported by almost 100 thousand tons less than in September – 778 thousand tons. Sunflower oil shipments also went down – 433 thousand tons against September’s 567 thousand tons. Instead, the volume of exported meals increased by 66 thousand tons compared to last month and amounted to 457.2 thousand tons.

The amount of barley supplies is almost unchanged – 383 thousand tons, the difference between September and October is only 14 thousand tons. But the October volumes of sunflower seeds exceed the September ones by almost 90 thousand tons – 290.4 thousand tons.

The supply of soybean oil also remained unchanged, in October, as in September, more than 25 thousand tons crossed the Ukrainian border. The volume of soybeans decreased by 10 thousand tons last month: 230 thousand tons against 240 thousand tons in September.

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