Головна Storage Elevators of “Agrotrade” accepted almost half of the grain from the plan

Elevators of “Agrotrade” accepted almost half of the grain from the plan

At the end of October, the elevators of “Agrotrade” received 233 thousand tons of grain, which is 47.3% of the total plan, according to “ProAgro Group” with reference to the company’s information on Facebook.

This year’s harvesting campaign is complicated by the weather, because due to significant precipitation, farmers began harvesting sunflower, soybeans and corn much later than planned. The rains also affected the quality of the grain.

“For example, the color of the furrow of wheat did not meet the standards, and port laboratories attributed this grain to sooty grains. We had to hire surveyors for mycological analysis during shipment. Sunflower comes to the elevators clogged and wet. In some places, the trash admixture reaches 45%, so we perform three cleanings before drying and clean it afterwards. Sometimes we refused to accept sunflower from some farms because of its quality. Due to the large amount of impurities, the dryers are constantly smoking. This all affects the speed of acceptance. Soybean arrives at the elevators also clogged and wet”, – said the director of the production and technical department of “Agrotrade” Konstantin Vorona.

Currently, the company’s elevators have begun to accept corn. The quality of the grain is good, but its moisture content sometimes reaches 24-32%. Also, “Agrotrade” is preparing for the consequences of possible difficulties with grain exports. Therefore, in order to be able to accept the entire volume of grain, the company’s management decided to increase the storage capacity by 100-120 thousand tons.

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