Головна Horticulture Most grain was threshed in Vinnytsia, Kirovohrad and Dnipropetrovsk regions

Most grain was threshed in Vinnytsia, Kirovohrad and Dnipropetrovsk regions

зерно насипом

As of the first day of winter, the harvesting of grain and leguminous crops was carried out on an area of 9.4 million hectares (85%), according to ProAgro Group with reference to the information of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

With a yield of 44.4 c/ha, 41.9 million tons of grain was harvested, including

wheat – 19.4 million tons harvested from 4.7 million hectares (100%) with a yield of 41.2 c/ha;
barley – 5.6 million tons from 1.6 million hectares (100%) with a yield of 35.1 c/ha
peas – 261 thousand tons from 111.5 thousand hectares (100%) with a yield of 23.4 c/ha;
corn for grain – 15.5 million tons from 2.5 million hectares (60%) with a yield of 61.3 c/ha
buckwheat – 157 thousand tons from 115 thousand hectares (98%) with a yield of 13.6 c/ha
millet – 99.5 thousand tons from 42.9 thousand hectares (96%) with a yield of 23.2 c/ha.

Also, 8.6 million tons of sugar beets were harvested from 173.5 thousand hectares (97%) with a yield of 498 c/ha.

Agrarians of Mykolaiv and Odesa regions have completed the harvesting of all agricultural crops, and agrarians of Vinnytsia, Volyn, Zhytomyr, Ternopil and Chernihiv regions – sugar beet.

The largest amount of grain and leguminous crops was harvested by agricultural producers of Vinnytsia region – 3.7 million tons. Kirovohrad region is on the second place – 3.4 million tons. The third position is occupied by Dnipropetrovsk region – almost 3 million tons. The highest yield of cereals and legumes was recorded in Khmelnytsky region – 67.4 c/ha.

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