Головна Market News Since the beginning of MY 2016/17 Ukraine has exported 240 KMT of...

Since the beginning of MY 2016/17 Ukraine has exported 240 KMT of flour

As of February 22, 2017, Ukraine exported 239.5 KMT of flour, which is 35.9 KMT more than the same period of the last season.

It is reported by the press service of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

In particular, during the reporting period, Ukrainian farmers exported 238.6 KMT of wheat flour, which is 35.9 KMT more than in the same period of the previous marketing year.

Exports of other types of flour since the beginning of the season were 0.9 KMT, which is 1 KMT less than the same period of the previous marketing year.

Notably, for the period 1st-22nd of February, Ukraine exported 35.9 KMT of flour.

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