Головна Market News In January 2017 Ukraine has established 10-year-old record for the export of...

In January 2017 Ukraine has established 10-year-old record for the export of flax

According to Propozitsіya, in January 2017, Ukraine exported 12.3 KMT of flax seeds, which is the highest monthly figure for the last 10 years.

Thus, the volume of Ukrainian flax export in January exceeded figure of December 2016 by 55% and the results from January 2016 by 3.8 times.

It is noted that the largest increase in flax exports of Ukraine during the reporting month have been observed for the Turkish market (2.9 KMT against 88 tons a month earlier and 42 tons in January 2016).

At the same time, most of the Ukrainian flax was delivered to Vietnam – 6.1 KMT (in December 2016 – 5.3 KMT, in January 2016 – 2.2 KMT).

It also reported that since the beginning of MY 2016/17, Ukraine has exported 33.8 KMT of flax seeds, which is 50% higher than the results of the same period of MY 2015/16.

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