Головна Market News Ukraine increased exports of grain seeds by one and a half times...

Ukraine increased exports of grain seeds by one and a half times in 2016

According to the results of 2016, Ukraine exported grain seeds worth of $17.2 million, which is 50% more than a year earlier.

It has been reported by the Institute of Agrarian Economics (IAE).

According to Alexander Zakharchuk, head of the material and technical resources market at the IAE, the main importing countries of Ukrainian seeds were: the CIS countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia) and the EU (Austria, Lithuania, Romania). Ukrainian seeds were also imported by Turkey, India and South Africa.

It is noted that corn dominates in the structure of Ukrainian seed exports. The volume of shipments of this type of product to the world markets amounted to $ 15.8 million in 2016. It is worth mentioning that the share of corn seeds in domestic exports is about 91.8%.

Generally, main seed producers in Ukraine are: the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NAASU); the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and their research institutions, higher educational agricultural institutions as well as private breeding companies.

“Over the last five years, there has been a tendency in Ukraine where the number of seeds and planting material producers has been decreasing. In 2012, 1,400 producers of seeds and planting material were at the State Register. In 2016 their number decreased almost threefold to 480”, – said Alexander Zakharchuk.

In his opinion, in the medium and even long-term perspective Ukraine can increase the export of seeds by dozens of times. The capacities to increase the production of seed plantations are growing steadily every year. Large foreign seeds companies, including: Pioneer, Monsantо, Syngenta, Moisadur, Evralis Semens, and domestic ones – Mais, Еridon, Selena, Eurostandart have the potential to lead Ukraine in the forefront of seeds sales of wheat, barley, oats, rye and corn, as well as oilseeds – sunflower, soy, mustard and rapeseed.

“Thus, even with the current problems of seeds certification, which are intended for certified sowing in 2017, Ukraine has a great potential to increase the export of seed materials not as a marketable grain, but in the form of quality seed,” – concluded Alexander Zakharchuk.

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