Головна Market News Ukraine increased the export of dairy products by 37% in January-March 2017

Ukraine increased the export of dairy products by 37% in January-March 2017

According to the results of January-March 2017, Ukraine exported 25.7 KMT of dairy products to the amount of $43.6 million. In physical terms, this is 36.7% more than in the same period last year (in monetary terms – by 77, 8% increase).

This is reported by the analytical department of the Association of Milk Producers.

According to the report, the main increase in sales is observed for butter and dry whey – growth of 205.8% and 101.8%, respectively.

Thus, exports of milk and uncondensed cream for the first quarter of this year amounted to 1,9 KMT, which is 8,26% less than the last year. In monetary terms, sales amounted to $1.2 million (+ 9.5%). The largest markets were Moldova ($507 thousand) and Georgia ($ 355 thousand).

Export of condensed milk and cream in February amounted to 10.2 KMT (+ 8.5%) in the amount of $18 million (+$3.75 million). This is the largest export group of domestic dairy products. The most active trade was observed with Kazakhstan ($3.1 million) and Turkmenistan ($2.4 million).

Sales of sour-milk products in comparison with the last year decreased by one third – up to 588 tons in physical terms and by 26.2% in monetary terms, to $565 thousand. The main counterparties were Moldova ($287 thousand), Georgia ($163 thousand) and the United Arab Emirates ($60 thousand).

The export of milk whey for the analyzed period more than doubled. For the reporting quarter, about 8 KMT of the product were exported. In monetary terms, this is $5.9 million (+ 154%). TOP-3 importers included: China – $2.9 million, Myanmar – $372 thousand and India – $357 thousand.

Export of butter grew more than three-fold and amounted to 3.5 KMT for a total of $12.8 million (+ 275%). They sold butter more in Morocco ($2.8 million), Moldova ($1.8 million) and Egypt ($1.5 million).

The export of cheese for the analyzed period increased by 14.7% – to 1.6 KMT and brought Ukraine $5.2 million (+ 34.7%). The main buyers of domestic cheese were Kazakhstan ($2.2 million), Moldova ($1.7 million) and Egypt ($654 thousand).

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