Головна Events Be in the center of events at the Grain Ukraine 2017 conference!

Be in the center of events at the Grain Ukraine 2017 conference!

On 7th and 8th July, the II International Grain Conference GRAIN UKRAINE will take place in Odessa with the support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. The conference provider is “TIS Group of Terminals”, the head of the conference organizing committee is Mr. Andrey Stavnitser. The special sponsor of the GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 conference is Ag Growth International (AGI); the sponsor of the 2nd conference day is RISOIL S.A.; the official sponsor is CIS Commodity Inspection Services.

Less than 2 months left before the start of the GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 conference. The details of the educational program chaired by the best world speakers and some points of the entertainment program have already been known now, which is not second to the conference educational block in quality and assists in the most comfortable communication of guests.

So, on 7th July GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 will be opened by Mr. Andrey Stavnitser (CEO of “TIS Group of Terminals”), Ajuner Shevki (Director of the RepOffice of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /EBDR Office/ in Ukraine) and Andy Hunder (President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine) at the conference hall “Sady Pobedy”. And then the conference guests may attend the talk show with all the speakers.

Ezequiel Hajnal (Director of Agrosud S.A., Argentina) and Tamas Benko (Cargill International S.A., Switzerland) will present their reports within the first topic of the conference “Main players of the world agricultural market”, where Elena Voloshyna (Head of IFC in Ukraine) will act as a moderator.

The second topic of GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 is “Grain and oil crops: logistics and quality”. Marcello Neri and Arthur Neto (Managing Director and Managing Partner of Alphamar Shipping Agency, Brazil) will speak in duo, and Bogdan Tymkiv (founder of the portal AgroChart.com, Switzerland) will continue the discussion in this block.

After lunch, Darren Cooper (Senior Economist of the International Grains Council, Great Britain), Karen Braun (Global Observer of Agriculture for Thomson Reuters, USA), Ivanna Dorichenko (Partner at Agrites, Great Britain), Andrei Agapi (Senior Grains Analyst at S&P Global Platts, Great Britain) and Daniel Donner (Senior Vice President, AGI, Canada) will speak about the topic “Global trends in agriculture”.

The final topic of the educational part of GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 is “Investments and financing of agribusiness”. David Hightower (President of The Hightower Report, USA), Olexander Artiushyn (Vice President and Senior Originator of Food and Agriculture Business of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, Switzerland) and Olivier Bouillet (Chief Executive Director of Agritel International, France) will speak here on.

An evening cocktail of the Special Sponsor Ag Growth International (AGI) (http://www.aggrowth.com) will close the work of the conference first day. Then, a great party will wait for GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 guests, where DJ Ravin will be a main headliner, who is a resident of the legendary Paris club Buddha Bar, favorite place for the rest of Bohemia, high society and stars that are experts in good living, such as Johnny Depp, Cameron Diaz, Rod Stewart, Jennifer Lopez.

On 8th July, the Sponsor of the 2nd day RISOIL S.A. (http://www.risoil.com/ru/) invites all the participants of the conference to join Weekend Party that will be at the beach complex “PLAGENICK”. This day the eventful program will wait for guests – a morning cocktail, beach volleyball match, music performances of the bands “Money Ahead” and “Monkey Juice”, final of the game Latifundia. And what`s the main, there will be an opportunity to communicate in informal surroundings.

Speaking about the sponsors of GRAIN UKRAINE 2017, it is worth mentioning that CIS Commodity Inspection Services (https://www.cis-inspections.com), which was founded in the Netherlands in 1989, has joined them. CIS offers a wide range of audits, quality or quantity audits, whatsoever and technical and consulting services as well.

The GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 media partners were joined by the Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) and the Center of Transport Strategies (CTS).

Such companies and organizations as CME Group, SGS Switzerland, RC Inspection, International Finance Corporation, Embassy of Pakistan in Ukraine and many others have already registered as participants of GRAIN UKRAINE 2017. You can also become a participant of the conference by buying a ticket on the website of GRIAN UKRAINE (grain-ukraine.com). Furthermore, the conference organizers have considered numberless applications and extended the validity of the BASIC rate and the special GU2+ rate for buying 2 tickets and more till 20th of May. After 20th May, tickets will be already available according to the LAST CALL rate and the 3G+ rate for buying 3 and more tickets.

More details about the GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 Conference you can find at grain-ukraine.com.





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