Головна Events The unique price for the participation and the full program of the...

The unique price for the participation and the full program of the conference Grain Ukraine 2017 are announced

The International Conference GRAIN UKRAINE which will take place on the 7th and 8th of July in Odessa announced the full program of the event and, thanks to the new sponsor, launched the promo code for the next 50 tickets.

The main news at this time is that the company SD Capital has been added to the number of the conference sponsors, thanks to which GRAIN UKRAINE launched the promotional offer with the promo code “SD”, significantly influencing the price of the next 50 tickets. The promo code can be used on the site of the conference in the section “Cart” and also with the help of a manager of GRAIN UKRAINE.

Also the full conference program, rich in both education and entertainment activities is announced on the GRAIN UKRAINE site. The guests will be able to see the great opening and the talk show with the major speakers of the conference during the educational part which will take place on the 7th of July at the concert and conference hall “Sady Pobedy”. Such topics as “Global Trends in Agriculture”, “Origination Markets”, “Consumer Markets” and “Investment and Financing of Agribusuness” will be raised in the main block. The night cocktail from the Special Sponsor – the AG GROWTH NTERNATIONAL company will close the educational block, and closer to the night the great party will be held in the secret place where DJ Ravin, the resident of Buddha Bar – the legendary club of Paris, which is the favorite place for the recreation of the bohemia, high society and celebrities, such as Johnny Depp, Cameron Diaz, Rod Stewart, Jennifer Lopez, who are the experts in the beautiful life, will become the main headliner.

The next day, on the 8th of July, GRAIN UKRAINE in cooperation with RISOIL. S.A., the sponsor of the 2nd day of the conference, invites all participants to join the Weekend Party where the guests can enjoy the morning cocktail, the volleyball tournament, the performance of the musical bands “Dengi vpered” and “Monkey Juice”, the final of the game LATIFUNDIA and what”s the main, the opportunity to have an informal communication.

We recall that GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 is held with the support of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine on 7th and 8th of July. The conference organizer is the group of terminals “TIS”; the head of the conference organizing committee is Mr. Andrey Stavnitser. The Special Sponsor of the conference GRAIN UKRAINE 2017 is Ag Growth International (AGI), the Sponsor of the 2nd day of the conference is RISOIL S.A., the Official Sponsors are CIS Commodity Inspection Services and SD Capital.

You can learn more details of the holding of GU 2017, the speakers and the topics of their presentations on the conference website grain-ukraine.com

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