Головна Economics and agricultural policy How’s new German coalition going to deal with agriculture

How’s new German coalition going to deal with agriculture

Germany’s incoming government will act to cut farmers’ use of weed-killer, improve farm animals’ welfare and move towards climate neutrality. This is reported by ProAgro Group with the reference on Reuters.

The controversial weed-killer Glyphosate will be removed from the market by the end of 2023 as part of a wider programme to reduce weed-killer use, the coalition agreement said.

Glyphosate has faced allegations it can cause cancer and has faced lawsuits in the United States and restrictions in countries including France, though regulators worldwide have determined it to be safe.

The new government wants to achieve a 30% level of organic farming in Germany by 2030. More financial support will be provided to farmers to switch from conventional to organic farming, it said.

A compulsory animal welfare label will be introduced for meat from 2022. It will cover animal welfare during transport and slaughtering.

Transport of live farm animals to third countries outside the EU will only be permitted when the routes have proven facilities allowing for care and welfare of animals.

The legal basis will be introduced to permit video surveillance of sections of slaughterhouses of special importance to animal welfare.

The new government wants to “significantly reduce” emissions including ammonia and methane from agriculture and move German farming towards the goal of climate neutrality.

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