Головна Animal husbandry Dairy farming Producers reduce the supply of fresh dairy products

Producers reduce the supply of fresh dairy products

The output of fresh dairy products is no longer growing, and it seems that dairy producers do not want to increase it. Dairies are no longer fighting for raw materials, which is caused by a reduction in orders from retailers and a general decline in consumer demand.

As ProAgro Group reports, citing INFAGRO information, the desire of manufacturers to raise prices and cut promotional sales is not the least of the factors contributing to this cutback. But even under such conditions, producers intend to further increase prices for fresh milk products.

The main positions for December are as follows:

  • milk 2,5%, film – 27,0-28,5 UAH/liter;
  • kefir 2,5%, film – 30,5-32,5 UAH/liter;
  • Sour cream 15%, the film – 68-73 UAH/liter;
  • cottage cheese 9% – 115-130 UAH/kg.

The drop in production of fresh dairy products concerns only high-margin products. Even the output of cheese products decreased to 7.1 thousand tons last month. Sour-milk products were produced 10% less in October than last year for the same period (33 thousand tons).

At the same time, the indicators of milk production have been increasing for two months in a row. In November it was packed by 9% more (43 thousand tons). But it is unlikely that the annual figure will be higher than in 2020.

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