Головна Storage A new grain elevator was put into operation in Sumy oblast

A new grain elevator was put into operation in Sumy oblast

In Stepanovka village of Sumy region the opening ceremony of the elevator of LLC “Hanze Agri Ukraine” took place. Its capacity is 100 thousand tons of simultaneous storage of grain, ProAgro Group reports referring to the information of the Department of Agricultural Development of Sumy Oblast State Administration.

The construction of the storage has been completed in November 2021. This elevator can take 4 thousand tons of grain per day, output 3.5 thousand tons per day by rail and 1.5 thousand tons per day by trucks. The company has its own laboratory, which is certified according to the international quality standards ISO 9001:2015. Two dryers are operating: with a capacity of 2.5 tons per day, which runs on gas heating, and a capacity of 1 thousand tons per day – on alternative fuels.

It is noted that this modern elevator will meet the needs of the immediate owners, and will provide services for the processing, storage and further sale of grain to other economic entities of the region.

Totally there are 42 elevators in Sumy region providing grain storage services, the capacity of which is more than 2,8 million tons, 12 of which have the total capacity of 676 thousand tons. The necessity of the grain market infrastructure requires modernization and reconstruction of existing grain storage capacities as well as construction of new ones.

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