Головна Consumer market Introduction of price regulation by the government may lead to food shortages

Introduction of price regulation by the government may lead to food shortages

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a decree which for the duration of the quarantine sets the size of the trade mark-up of no more than 10% on the expanded list of socially important categories of food products. In fact, a mechanism of state regulation is being introduced, which allegedly will stabilize the situation with the soaring prices in the grocery retail store.

However, this decree has no serious justification, let alone any prospects for effective implementation. Boris Markov, general director of “ATB-Market,” wrote about it on his page on Facebook, reports ProAgro Group.

“The established markup bar of no more than 10% does not cover the costs of market operators for logistics, seasonal write-offs and other operational services. Therefore, it may well lead to the suspension of realization of the specified food products until all processes are established and the order of their pricing is understood,” noted Markov.

He noted that the rise in prices of socially important foodstuffs is caused by the increase of the selling prices on the part of the producers, and it’s caused by the growth of prices of energy resources (gas).

According to the general director of “ATB-Market” many producers are already declaring the inefficiency of this decree, which does not solve their basic problems: the cost of energy, raw materials and the like.

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