Головна Sugar manufacturing A quarter of all Ukrainian sugar in 2021 was produced in Vinnytsia...

A quarter of all Ukrainian sugar in 2021 was produced in Vinnytsia region

Sugar production season is over in Ukraine. According to experts, the production of sugar from the sugar beet harvest in 2021 is estimated at about 1.45 million tons. At the same time, most of it was brewed in Vinnytsia region – 363.5 thousand tons, which is almost 100 thousand tons more than in the previous season.

This was reported in the department of international cooperation and regional development of the Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration, reports “ProAgro Group” with reference to “The Voice of Ukraine”.

The region harvested 2.4 million tons last year. The average yield was 494 c/ha – an increase of 80.5 c/ha over the figure for 2020.

Raw materials were processed at five sugar refineries: Gaisyn, where the production season began on September 1, 2021 – the first in the region, Kryzhopil, Zhdaniv, Tomashpil and Yuzepho-Mykolaiv. More than half of the sugar was brewed at two enterprises – in Gaisyn and Kryzhopil.

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