Головна Processing industry Ukraine is reducing production of butter

Ukraine is reducing production of butter

For 5 years the production volume of butter with fat content less than 85% decreased by 35%, and for the last year – by 19%. According to preliminary estimates, about 70.6 thousand tons of this product were produced in 2021.

This is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the information of the Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business.

There were several reasons for such a reduction in production volumes. First of all, this reduction in the production of raw materials for the manufacture of butter. Over the past 5 years, gross milk yields decreased by 10%, and this factor has been affecting the decline in production of dairy group of products for a long time.

However, butter was still significantly influenced by a decrease in the price of this product in the EU and an increase in the volume of its imports to Ukraine since the end of 2019.

It is because of this in 2020, imports of butter almost caught up with the volume of export shipments, creating competition to the Ukrainian producer and reducing its interest in increasing production volumes.

As a result, in 2020 imports of butter amounted to 8.7 thousand tons, which is almost 4 times higher than the same indicator of the previous year.

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