Головна Storage Airstrike destroyed a new grain elevator in Ukraine

Airstrike destroyed a new grain elevator in Ukraine

Елеватор «Голден Агро», серпень 2020 року

In Rubizhne, Luhansk region, a large-capacity aerial bomb destroyed the elevator, journalist Denis Kazansky wrote on his Facebook page, reports “ProAgro Group”.

“In 2020, a modern elevator complex “Golden Agro” was launched in Rubizhne, Luhansk region. But the “defenders of the Russian-speaking population” came and saved the enterprise from the fascists by dropping a ton air bomb on it. As a result, nothing is left of the modern complex,” he said.

The journalist added that the damned Ukrainian fascists so terribly depressed Donbass, created new jobs and did everything to make the budget of the region and the city receive more tax revenues.

The elevator complex of Golden AGRO LLC in Rubizhne started operating in August 2020. The enterprise could store 30 thousand tons of grain at a time. It was equipped with a grain dryer with the capacity of 1500 tons per day, a separator, auto weigher, automatic sampler. The elevator was able to load wagons – the capacity of railroad shipment was up to 3 thousand per day.

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