Головна Horticulture Grain Dmytro Kuleba thanked Egypt for refusing to accept stolen grain from Ukraine

Dmytro Kuleba thanked Egypt for refusing to accept stolen grain from Ukraine

російський балкер «Матрос Позиніч», яким рашисти вивозять вкрадене українське зерно

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in a conversation with his Egyptian counterpart Smekh Shoukry expressed gratitude to Egyptian authorities for refusing to accept a Russian ship loaded with stolen grain from Ukraine. He wrote this on his Twitter, ProAgro Group reports.

“We have agreed to coordinate efforts for Russia to unblock Ukrainian food exports. Ukraine and Egypt continue to cooperate to ensure food security,” Kuleba noted.

As reported, in early May, the Egyptian port of Alexandria refused to accept a Russian bulk carrier, which carried from the occupied Crimea 27 thousand tons of grain stolen by the Rashists in the seized Ukrainian territories. The bulk carrier then set a course for Lebanon, but it was also refused to be accepted there. Finally, on May 8, the vessel was spotted moored at one of the berths of the port of Latakia in Syria.

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