Головна Animal husbandry Reduction of the pig herd raises pork prices in Ukraine

Reduction of the pig herd raises pork prices in Ukraine

Agrarians are raising pork prices weekly: a record has already been set for the whole time of Ukraine’s independence – 60 hryvnias per kilogram of live weight.

For understanding: the yield of pure meat is about 50%, which is 120 hryvnia per kilogram, the ProAgro Group quotes Meatnews.

If we add transportation, slaughtering services, transportation to the retail chain, the mark-up of retail chains – the price of pork will be 150 hryvnias per kilogram or more. Before the war the retail price of pork was about 100 hryvnias per kilogram.

In addition, meat processors faced the reluctance of retail chains to accept new higher prices. Although raising meat prices will hit buyers, meat processors have no other option than to raise prices.

The price increase is due to the catastrophic shortage of pigs in Ukraine. For 10 years, Ukraine has not provided domestic consumption with 100% of its own production, there has always been imports.

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