Головна Agrochemistry The Government has simplified the procedure of grain fumigation

The Government has simplified the procedure of grain fumigation

Resolution No. 1120 dated October 04, 2022, adopted by the Government to ensure the implementation of the Initiative for the safe transportation of grain and food from Ukrainian ports, signed in accordance with the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 22, 2022 No. 626 “On the delegation of the Government of Ukraine to participate in multilateral negotiations on the preparation and approval of the draft Initiative for the safe transportation of grain and food from Ukrainian ports”, was published.

It is reported by “ProAgro Group” with reference to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

To solve the problem with payment for services related to the fumigation of goods with regulated objects abroad, the List of Services includes services for disinfection and / or fumigation of exported goods abroad, commissioner’s remuneration for disinfection and / or fumigation of exported goods abroad.

According to the adopted amendments, the list of services, works, intellectual property rights, other non-property rights intended for sale (paid transfer), for the import operations of which it is recommended that the National Bank ensure the implementation of transfers, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 153 “On Certain Issues of Ensuring the Implementation of Imports” dated February 24, 2022, has been supplemented.

The adopted changes will facilitate the unblocking of the passage of ships with agricultural products exported under the Initiative for the Safe Transportation of Grain and Food from Ukrainian ports during martial law.

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