Головна Animal husbandry Pig farming More than 100 operators will drop out of the pork market this...

More than 100 operators will drop out of the pork market this year

The number of farms in the pork industry is gradually shrinking. The year 2021 will be no exception. It is expected that 1.44 thousand operators will remain, against 1.55 thousand in 2020.

This was stated by the head of the analytical department of the association “Pig Breeders of Ukraine” Oleksandra Bondarska, reports ProAgro Group.

“At the same time we see a certain consolidation of the industry in terms of increasing the market share of large players. So, if in 2020 they had 61% of the market, this year they will increase the figures to 65%,” – she said.

However, operators with 5-10 thousand heads of pigs tend to consolidate. Their market share is growing: last year it was 12%, while this year it is expected to be 13%. Thus, smaller operators have a chance to occupy their niche on the market, says Olexandra Bondarska.

A segment of the enterprises with a herd of 1-5 thousand pigs in 2021, according to forecasts, will lose market share from 18% last year to 16%. Also the number of farms that keep 500 to 1 thousand pigs will decrease to 3% against 4% in 2020.

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