Головна Без категорії 1,4 million hectares of spring crops have been sown in Poltava region

1,4 million hectares of spring crops have been sown in Poltava region

Despite the difficulties connected with the war against Ukraine, farmers of Poltava region have sown 1402,6 thousand hectares of agricultural crops, that is 100% of planned areas for sowing.

The sowing structure is as follows:

early grains and legumes – 91.9 thousand ha;
sunflower – 384,2 thou. ha; and
sugar beet – 20.2 thsd. ha; spring rape – 800 thsd. ha;
spring rape – 800 hectares; buckwheat – 2.5 thousand hectares;
buckwheat – 2.5 thsd. ha; millet – 5.4 thsd. ha;
millet – 5,4 thsd. ha
corn – 621.6 thsd. ha; soybeans – 122.1 thsd. ha;
soybeans – 122.1 thousand hectares.

In addition, 54.2 thousand hectares of potatoes were planted in the region.

“Now the main thing ahead is to grow and harvest,” said Dmytro Lunin, chairman of the Poltava regional military administration.

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