Головна Economics and agricultural policy Agricultural companies will be compensated almost 746 million for the use of...

Agricultural companies will be compensated almost 746 million for the use of loans

On September 24 the Ministry of Agrarian Policy approved the distribution of 181 million UAH to agricultural enterprises for partial compensation of interest on loans. It is reported by “ProAgroGroup” with reference to the information of the Ministry.

More than 3 thousand borrowers, who have applied to the authorized banks, will get the money.

Agricultural enterprises attracted more than 223.6 billion UAH, of which 32.2 billion UAH are preferential.

Under the budget program “Financial Support of Agricultural Producers”, 1.2 billion UAH is provided in 2021 under the category “Financial support for activities in the agroindustrial complex by subsidies”.

The total amount of payments for today is 745.6 million UAH. Thus, in the period January-August 62% of the planned funds were actually used.

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