Головна Economics and agricultural policy The Ministry of Economy launched an anti-dumping investigation into imports of cheese

The Ministry of Economy launched an anti-dumping investigation into imports of cheese

The Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade has taken a number of measures to protect Ukrainian producers in the domestic market, ProAgro Group reports citing information from the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.

In particular, the commission found grounds for anti-dumping measures for a period of 5 years in respect of imports into Ukraine of potato starch originating from the Republic of Belarus. The rate of duty for manufacturers and exporters from Belarus is 23.8%.

Also, anti-dumping investigation was launched regarding imports to Ukraine of certain types of cheese regardless of the country of origin and export.

As reported, on the eve of New Year holidays imports of cheese to Ukraine increased by more than a quarter. Deliveries of imported products broke a record and amounted to 4 thousand tons, of which 2.5 thousand tons were hard and semi-hard cheeses.

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